FamilyVision Counseling
The best time to begin talking about your family is early - no later than the day your firstborn arrives.
You need a family vision, a plan to help you get there, and the tools you need to build. Parenting is an exciting, challenging adventure. But it's not a good 'do it yourself' project.
Ideally, both husband and wife come from intact, healthy families. Next, a couple should have one or more mentors who are successful parents. Add a group of good friends and a family-supporting church that provides practical training, and you have all the elements for success.
But if you are one of the millions of couples who don't have those things, I'd love to get you started right. I can help you 'fill the gaps,' so you can give your children a better life.
Discipline. Training. Schooling. Conflict.
Children are so important! It's no wonder these issues are such a big deal in families. Parents often have very different opinions about the 'best' way to raise children. For many couples, these parenting differences are the greatest source of pain and frustration in their marriage.
As parent for 25 years, a counselor, a
teacher and headmaster for a Christian school, and a homeschool support group leader, I've learned a lot about parenting and resolving parental differences. If you are struggling with parenting, let's get together soon.
And if you are struggling with a difficult teen, I UNDERSTAND. Please don't wait another minute. I'm not exaggerating when I say your marriage - and your mental heath - are at stake.
Step-families are now optimistically referred to as 'blended families.' They are increasing in number, and they have a high failure rate. Almost every step-family needs counseling at some point. Although parenting differences are part of every marriage, they are more difficult in a step-family.
Step-families face very predictable parenting challenges. For example, how do you discipline 'his' kids? How do you father 'her' kids? And what about 'our' kids? It's very challenging to make it all work.
Although there are no easy solutions, there are successful strategies I can help you with. You can learn how to better deal with your children's feelings of favoritism, anger, and competition.
Most importantly, I'll show you how to resolve parenting differences and how to 'get on the same page,' - even when you disagree - so your differences don't drive you apart.